Lesson Plans ArtisanBootCamp

Lesson Plan: Introduction to Laravel


Understand the basics of Laravel and its architecture. Learn about the history and development of Laravel. Familiarize yourself with the Laravel documentation and community resources.

Materials Needed:

Computer with internet access Laravel Documentation: Introduction to Laravel Lesson Outline:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  1. Welcome students and introduce the topic of Laravel.
  2. Briefly discuss the importance of Laravel in web development.

Overview of Laravel (15 minutes)

  1. Explain the basics of Laravel, including its features and benefits.
  2. Discuss briefly the history and development of Laravel.

Laravel Documentation (25 minutes)

  1. Guide students through the Laravel documentation, focusing on the Introduction to Laravel section.
  2. Demonstrate how to navigate the documentation and utilize community resources.

Q&A and Discussion (10 minutes)

  1. Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts on Laravel.
  2. Discuss any concerns or misconceptions students may have.
  3. Conclusion (5 minutes)
  4. Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
  5. Provide resources for further learning.


Encourage students to explore the Laravel documentation further and familiarize themselves with the framework.

Here are hands-on exercises for the artisan bootcamp

  1. Introduction to Laravel

    • Objective: Get familiar with Composer and the Laravel framework structure.
    • Exercise: Install Laravel using Composer and create a new Laravel project.
  2. Setting up a development environment

    • Objective: Understand the prerequisites for Laravel development and set up the development environment accordingly.
    • Exercise: Install PHP, Composer, and required dependencies for Laravel on your local machine. Configure your IDE or text editor for Laravel development.
  3. Routing and controllers

    • Objective: Learn how to define routes and controllers in Laravel and understand how they work together.
    • Exercise: Create multiple routes with different HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) and corresponding controller methods to handle them. Test the routes using artisan's route:list command.
  4. Views and templates

    • Objective: Get hands-on experience with Blade templating engine and understand how to create and use views in Laravel.
    • Exercise: Create Blade templates for different pages of a simple website (e.g., homepage, about page, contact page). Pass data from controllers to views and render them using Blade syntax.
  5. Databases and Eloquent ORM

    • Objective: Learn how to work with databases in Laravel using migrations and Eloquent ORM.
    • Exercise: Set up a database connection in Laravel configuration. Create migration files to define database schema and use Eloquent ORM to interact with the database (e.g., create, read, update, delete records).
  6. Forms and validation

    • Objective: Understand how to handle form submissions and perform validation in Laravel.
    • Exercise: Create a form in a view and use Laravel's validation rules to validate the form input. Display validation errors if any and repopulate the form with old input.
  7. Authentication and authorization

    • Objective: Learn how to authenticate users and control access to different parts of your application in Laravel.
    • Exercise: Implement user authentication using Laravel's built-in authentication system. Restrict access to certain routes or controllers based on user roles.
  8. Laravel's built-in tools and features

    • Objective: Get familiar with additional functionalities provided by Laravel and understand how to leverage them in your projects.
    • Exercise: Explore and experiment with Laravel's built-in features such as Queues, Events, Broadcasting, and Caching. Implement a simple feature using one or more of these tools.

These exercises will help learners gain practical knowledge and skills on using Laravel.